Immediate Past Master's badge
Immediate Past Master's badge
Until the year 1936, the Master's badge of office was quite a small affair, not originally designed for the purpose. In 1837, at the time of the Society's bicententary, the Master was Richard Mills. The Society at that time was at a low ebb and, in an endeavour to improve matters, he offered a silver medal to each of the band who should ring peals of Oxford Treble Bob Major, Royal and Maximus. The first set of these medals was won by a band who rang a peal of Oxford Major at Newington in 1840. James Mash was one of the band, and his son, George, afterwards presented hs father's medal to the Society. It was this medal which was used as the Master's badge, and is now worn by the Immediate Past Master. On the obverse, surround a bell, are the words CAMPANALOGIA .R. MILLS, MASTER, 1837" and on the reverse "SOCIETY OF COLLEGE YOUTHS ESTABLISHED A.D. 1637."
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