Url https://archive.ascy.org.uk/item/2870 Title Hicks, Sir Henry Subject Sir Henry Hicks Master Description Sir Henry Hicks. Master 1731. Elected 1718, noted in the Name Book as being from Deptford and the first Deptford member. He went on to become the High Sheriff of Kent in 1734. His wife was daughter of Sir Snelling Thomas, also a past High Sheriff of Kent. She died 28 Jan 1739 (Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal, Sat 10 Feb 1739). Born at Stretton-super-Poss, 1677. High Sheriff of Kent 1734, knighted the same year. First churchwarden of St. Paul's, Deptford. Died at the Brewery, Deptford Bridge, 6 Jan., 1757, and buried in the family vault beneath St. Paul's, Deptford. [Sir Henry Hickes, brewer, 69, Deptford Bridge, Jany. 13th, 1757. Burials, in St. Paul's Register. He was Steward, 1726, and Master, 1731, of the Society of Ancient College \ Youths.] Married Margaret, daughter of Sir Snelling Thomas, brewer, of Deptford Bridge, obit. 1738, and was buried in the family vault at St. Paul's, Deptford [Margaret, Lady Hickes, wife of Sir Henry Hickes. Knt. Peb. 9, 1738. Burials, in St. Paul's Register], There is a monument to this lady in St. Paul's, Deptford, on which the date is given of her death 28 Jan., 1738, aged forty-six years. Contributor Dickon R Love Date 1705 License Material is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. By downloading you are accepting the terms of this licence. Rights Holder Ancient Society of College Youths --